Thursday, August 5, 2010


Movies can be used as an interesting motivational tool for all year levels and across all KLA's. Children love to take photos and film movies and the ease of programs such as movie maker make the editing easy enough for the youngest of learners. Learners could be asked to reflect on the content, predict the outcome, create an alternative story line, analyse images, view and recreate investigations, estimate, summarize, hypothesize and solve problems when creating and viewing movies.
Programs such as xtranormal (see my xtranormal movie below) allow children to be creative and support self-regulation and student direction by giving the learner total control over the whole movie making process. Programmes like xtranormal are very easy to use and could be used to encourage substantive conversation amongst learners.
In my current context, movies could be beneficial to promote connectedness to the world and provide background knowledge to the learning. Movies would also be very useful to promote inclusivity, group identity and active citizenship.
Deep knowledge and understanding is better gained through the use if interactive multimodal texts.


  1. Great post on Videos Nina! I chose digital video as one of the tools for my context (year 3 class). Like you I can see great benefits in using video for reflection. I really feel like it is an exciting time as a teacher! Not only do the children have all these tools to develop knowledge and understanding but us as teachers have these engaging and motivating tools all at our fingertips. I love your ideas about using video to predict the outcome or create an alternative storyline! These are two ideas that I hadn't thought of. Grade three children will love letting their imagination run wild using prediction. Thanks for the insightful suggestions!

  2. Thanks Tasha,
    I am planning to use this with the learners at the Special School, I really think that they will love all the applications that this tool has to offer. I'm sure that your grade 3's will enjoy it too!
