Monday, August 16, 2010


Click here to view my movie about social interactions. This would be a great way to promote positive interactions, particularly in the lower primary and special education contexts.


  1. That movie is terrific, I love how the characters look at the camera, each other and so on. Sound effects were great too. I see how the lower grades would enjoy the closing sound effects; letting fluffy off the chain. could counting be done also for the lower grades? Is there a way of slowing down the speach? I'll have a fiddle with this tonight after seeing how well you have achieved. HD from me :)

  2. Well thank you! I love the sound effect too! My boy (9) has made his own movie and plans to tell all his school friends about this great site. This would be a very useful tool for all year levels and across all KLA's. I have not found a way to slow down the speech, however, you can change the voice.
