Saturday, August 28, 2010

Assessment task 2: Reflective Synopsis

This course has awakened my lifelong learning approach as I realize that my operational skills and conceptual knowledge of the possibilities of elearning are, at this stage, exceedingly rudimentary. As the twenty-first century becomes more involved with technology, it is a given that today’s students need to be educated in this technology to become successful members of society (Queensland Studies Authority (QSA), 2007). Prensky (2005) labels this technological trend as ‘singularity’, an event in which there is no going back. Education Queensland (2008) defines digital pedagogy as a new, innovative way in which to engage the learners of the twenty-first century through incorporating digital tools and ICT into purposeful planning and scaffolded learning experiences. Prensky (2005) claims that since the introduction of the digital age students have not only become engaged with technology, but actually expect this type of engagement to be prevalent in all aspects of their school life. It is with this mind set that e-learning becomes integral to classroom instruction by providing learning managers with opportunities to incorporate life long learning and utilize technology as a means to support collaboration, engagement and higher order thinking through learning.

E-learning is defined by Holmes and Gardiner (2006) as the process of enabling student learning to consist of more than just face-to-face interaction, through the implementation of technological tools. The QSA (2007) recognizes the inclusion of Information, Communication and Technologies (ICTs) as a cross curricula priority. By incorporating digital pedagogy into their teaching, a learning manager can cater to students individual needs, encourage collaboration and engagement and ensure the transformation, facilitation, support and enhancement of learning.

My current context: Opportunities and limitations for using ICT’s

My current context is a year 6/7 class at a special school. All the learners are intellectually impaired but all are very interested in ICT’s and are keen to know about and interact with new technologies. I am also an early childhood student, so I have looked at the flowing tools with both contexts in mind. The opportunities and limitations in my current context (the special school) are quite similar to those of an early childhood context. The learners all have short attention spans and require constant stimulation to keep them on task. Many of the learners have limited hand-eye coordination, this, coupled with an inability to communicate effectively, frequently leads to anger and frustration. Many of the learners enjoy visual and auditory stimulation; however, there are some noises and visuals that may adversely affect some learners. The fact that many learners in the special education context are unable to communicate and interact effectively using conventional methods means that many of the ICT’s are their only way of effective communication.

It is with these opportunities and limitations in mind and using the productive pedagogies framework, Dimensions of learning and Bloom’s taxonomy that I have analysed all the ICT learning tools presented over the duration of this course. The tools which I have deemed to be most useful in these contexts are blogs, digital videos and animations, digital video and concept maps.

Blogs are an excellent way of enhancing learning experiences by promoting creativity, collaboration and reflection. Looking through a constructivist lens, blogs could be used as an aid to support learners to construct their own perspective of prior learning. In a special education or an early childhood context, blogs can be used to ensure inclusivity. As stated in Productive pedagogies (The State of Queensland, Department of Education, 2002 p. 16) ‘Inclusive classroom practices intentionally acknowledge, support and incorporate the diversity of students’ diverse backgrounds, experiences and abilities’. This sense of inclusion promotes positive attitudes and perceptions by enabling learners to feel accepted and experience a sense of comfort and order (Marzano et al., 2006).

My reasons for choosing a blog for special and/or early childhood education include:
• Learners who have underdeveloped skills and/or memory problems have the option of viewing and /or listening to sound files, photo’s, images, videos, podcasts and vodcasts, all of which can be embedded into the blog.
• By reporting and reflecting using their blog, a learner can clearly demonstrate their thinking and knowledge.
• A blog can establish a sense of connectivism and ownership amongst the learners.
• A blog could provide learners with an alternate means of communication and facilitate effective collaborative interaction.
• A blog provides opportunities for learners to access information and work at their own pace and ability level.
• Blogs could be utilized as an alternative to standard reporting and journaling
• A blog is well scaffolded and predictable

Viewing or creating a blog enables learners to share and view a range of perspectives and provides immediate relevance and value, thus linking to the Dimensions of Learning (Marzano et al. 200. It is highly likely that learners engaged in blog creation would be operating in the higher levels of Bloom’s taxonomy (Frangenheim, 2007) by analysing, evaluating and designing.
Perhaps the greatest concern in the special and early childhood contexts is the safety of the learners. Due to an inability to fully appreciate the repercussions of a lack of anonymity, very young learners and learners with an intellectual impairment can be more vulnerable than those in higher year levels or without intellectual disability (Ashman & Elkins, 2009).
It is for this reason that learning managers must be vigilant in ensuring that nothing is published to the web without first being viewed and edited if required

Power point
The next tool that I have chosen as being particularly useful in my current context is power point. By experimenting with the creation of animated movies and interactive power point, I have come to see this tool in a whole new light. Power point is freely available to students, is easily learned (Keefe and Willett, 2004) via the set-up wizard, and can be used to access, consolidate, transform and present knowledge. In my current context, power point is often used to present new information to the students. Assessment tasks are also frequently completed via power point. This is generally done in a collaborative situation by pairing learners with differing abilities together. This practice enables learners to initially analyse and evaluate information for its usefulness in the acquisition and integration stage. Progressing from this stage, learners use various complex reasoning processes (Marzano et al., 2006) in order to extend and refine their knowledge. This knowledge is then used meaningfully, incorporating higher order thinking skills, to design and create their power point.

The user friendly benefits of power point mean that learners are able to complete much of the presentation independently. This independence promotes a supportive classroom environment and gives students high levels of self-regulation (The State of Queensland, Department of Education, 2002)which in turn, develops productive habits of mind, particularly self-regulated thinking (Marzano et al., 2006). In order to develop higher order thinking skills, learners may be asked to create their own power point, solve a posed problem or analyse and evaluate a created power point by comparing and contrasting key points.

Online Concept Map
"A concept map is a two-dimensional diagram representing the conceptual structure of subject matter" (McInerny & McInerny., 2006, p 111). Concept maps are used to acquire and integrate knowledge through the consolidation and refinement of thoughts, concepts, information and ideas (Marzano et al. 2006). An online concept map such as could be used at the beginning of a lesson in order to allow the learners to see the ‘big picture’ or at the conclusion to check for understanding, extend and refine knowledge (Marzano et al., 2006). Ausbel (n.d. as cited in McInerny & McInerny, 2006) advocates the use of advanced organizers to prepare students for the material about to be learned. By using an advanced organiser such as a concept map at the beginning of the learning experience, learners are provided with a stable cognitive structure to which new learning can be anchored" (McInerny & McInerny, 2006, p. 143).

The cognitive skills of application and analysis are the underpinnings of this tool as learners connect prior knowledge to a new situation. In my current context, and also in an early childhood setting, I would use an online concept map as a collaborative, whole class tool as it may be too complex for some intellectually impaired learners to complete independently. Used in this manner, an application such as could provide the productive pedagogy intellectual qualities of substantive conversation, metalanguage and knowledge as problematic (The State of Queensland, Department of Education, 2002).

Digital Movies
Digital video is a useful and effective tool for observation, analysis and reflection. Schuck and Kearney (2004) found that by using digital video in classrooms learners developed movie-making skills, spoken and written literacies and media literacy skills. Other benefits observed by Schuck and Kearney (2004) include the improvement of presentation skills, a greater understanding of the subject content or topic, an increase in autonomous behaviour and increased engagement and motivation. These findings support the dimensions of learning (Marzano et al., 2006) by helping students to perceive tasks as valuable and interesting and therefore develop positive attitudes and perceptions about classroom tasks. Digital Videos can be created simply by using programs such as movie maker, imovie, photo story 3, voki and xtranormal and are able to be embedded into bogs, wiki’s and websites. Even though some learners in my context may require assistance such as a list of simple steps to create a digital video, I believe the benefits far outweigh the limitations. Some ways that I could use digital videos in my current context include:
• The design and creation of a movie outlining the learning throughout a unit or the findings of an investigation
• The use of YouTube movies as a stimulus or to encourage analysis and evaluation
• A communication tool for learners to present their ideas and information
• An assessment task requiring the presentation to an audience
• A reflective tool used to remember and analyse prior learning
• A digital video tutorial for learners unable to attend school

By providing interesting and relevant tasks, the learners can share their thoughts, ideas, information, knowledge, creativity and ideas with an audience. According to Schuck and Kearny (2004), when students create digital videos, they are communicating, observing, analysing and reflecting. The higher order thinking skills of creativity, evaluation and analysis are all required in the creation, composition, planning and designing of digital video. This leads to the intellectual qualities of substantive conversation and deep knowledge and understanding and the transformation of ideas on the subject or topic (The State of Queensland, Department of Education, 2002).

Elearning is the way of the future for all learners and I now have no excuse not to embrace the possibilities of technology and use the multitude of tools to transform, support, facilitate and enhance my learning and the learning of my students. As new technologies and possibilities are developed and created, it is feasible that my learners may very well know more than I do on this topic. The beauty of ICT’s is that they can be used collaboratively to allow individuals to learn with and through each other, regardless of what is being learnt, how each individual learns and when and where each individual is situated. It is this capacity for ICT’s to be used to expand and enhance learning, regardless of the context that makes it so receptive to creativity and innovation. Of greatest concern to me is the factor of legal, safe and ethical behaviour with ICT. Up until now, this has been one of the main reasons that I have avoided utilizing many of the available ICT’s. In this day and age, with an abundance of identity theft, stalking and law suits relating to the unethical and illegal use of ICT’s, it is paramount that safety, legality and ethicality is in the forefront of our minds when using and teaching ICT’s. It is my responsibility, as a learning manager to model and ensure that my students are aware of the legal, safe and ethical practices and behaviours when using ICT’s.

Collaborative online learning conversations

Click here to view a post on karen's blog about Powerpoint
Click here to view a comment on Karen's blog about the use of digital movies
Click here to view a conversation with Gary about digital movies
Click here to view a discussion with Tasha about digital video
Click here to view another conversation with Gary about digital video and animation
Click here to view a conversation with Emma about Power point
Click here to view a conversation with Karen about ethics and safety

Ashman, A., & Elkins, J. (2009). Education for inclusion and diversity. Frenchs

Forest, NSW: Pearson Education.
Education Queensland (2008). Smart Classrooms Bytes: advice for school on the latest ICT research for education. Brisbane: Queensland Government.
Frangenheim, E. (2007). Reflections on classroom thinking strategies. Loganholme, Qld: Rodin Educational Publishing.
Holmes, B., & Gardner, J. (2006). E-learning: Concepts and practice. Retrieved August, 22, 2010, From
Keefe, D., & Willett, J. (2004). A case for power point as a faculty authoring system. Retrieved August 22, 2010, from
Marzano, R., Pickering, D., Arredondo, D., Blackburn, G., Brandt, R., Moffet, C., Paynter, D., Pollack, J., & Whisler, J. (2006). Dimensions of learning: teacher’s manual (2nd ed.). Heatherton, Victoria, Australia: Hawker Brownlow Education.
McInerny, D., & McInerny, V. (2006). Educational Psychology: constructing learning (4th edn). Frenchs Forest, New South Wales: Pearson Education Australia.
Prensky, M. (2005). Engage me or enrage me: what today's learners demand. Retrieved from CQUniversity moodle, FAHE 11001 Managing E-learning,
Schuck, S., & Kearney, M. (2004). Students in the director’s seat: Teaching and learning across the school curriculum with student-generated video. Retrieved August, 22, 2010 from,
The State of Queensland, Department of Education and Training. (2002). Productive pedagogies: Classroom reflection manual. Brisbane, Qld: Author.

Google maps

Whilst I have interacted with google's various applications, this one really impressed me. The ability to create a customised map allows learners to engage in higher order thinking and develop a deep understanding of places all over the world. This tool would be engaging for all year levels and could be used across all KLA's to encourage critical and creative thinking and cultural knowledge. What better way to connect with the world around us!


Really Simple Syndication (RSS)keeps track of entries as they are edited or updated.
This is a very useful tool for keeping up to date with changing websites, blogs, wiki's, news headlines or status. This tool promotes knowledge integration and connectedness.

Learning management systems

Learning management systems like moodle and blackboard are used for the administration, documentation, tracking, and reporting in education and training.These type of management systems allow for collaboration and tracking a students progress. Primarily used for knowledge acquisition and integration, learning management systems support and enhance learning and self-regulation.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Click here to view on karen's post about Powerpoint
click here to view a comment on Karen's blog about the use of digital movies

Monday, August 16, 2010


Click here to view my movie about social interactions. This would be a great way to promote positive interactions, particularly in the lower primary and special education contexts.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

you tube clip

click here to view a you tube clip on whole brain teaching..this is amazing stuff!


Movies can be used as an interesting motivational tool for all year levels and across all KLA's. Children love to take photos and film movies and the ease of programs such as movie maker make the editing easy enough for the youngest of learners. Learners could be asked to reflect on the content, predict the outcome, create an alternative story line, analyse images, view and recreate investigations, estimate, summarize, hypothesize and solve problems when creating and viewing movies.
Programs such as xtranormal (see my xtranormal movie below) allow children to be creative and support self-regulation and student direction by giving the learner total control over the whole movie making process. Programmes like xtranormal are very easy to use and could be used to encourage substantive conversation amongst learners.
In my current context, movies could be beneficial to promote connectedness to the world and provide background knowledge to the learning. Movies would also be very useful to promote inclusivity, group identity and active citizenship.
Deep knowledge and understanding is better gained through the use if interactive multimodal texts.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

podcasts and vodcasts

Podcasting and vodcasting are excellent tools for developing oral reading fluency and writing skills. They cater to all learning styles both in the viewing and creating arenas and promote active participation and engagement with a learning centred focus.

In order to create a podcast or vodcast, students need to research, plan, and write scripts, view and review and make judgements regarding the quality of the production. Podcasting and vodcasting provide an excellent collaborative learning tool and enable the learners to appreciate and reflect on the joint construction of the finished product.

Podcasting and vodcasting promote good writing, speaking, and communication skills and are useful as an interesting and motivating activity which can be both authentic and relevant to the learners. Podcasting and vodcasting can be used across all KLA's to develop reading, speaking, writing, communication and listening skills. With minimal assistance, young learners can develop their technology skills, acquire information and integrate technology into their learning via the use of podcasts and vodcasts.
It is important that young learners are able to interact and communicate knowledge to real audiences, this aids in the development of a sense of audience and purpose when reading, writing, and speaking.

The viewing of vodcasts and the subsequent learning that takes place after the viewing can be student directed, with the learners deciding what action they choose to take on the topic. This promotes student self regulation and can (if carefully guided)lead to deep involvement and active citizenship within the classroom. Above all, podcasting and vodcasting enable learners to look outside the box that is the classroom and really connect with the world around them.

Click here to view a vodcast that I found

A useful resource for teachers to enable children to predict, hypothesize and reflect.

Being an early childhood student, I was searching the Flickr creative commons photos for something that I could use in the early years context. I think that this photo would be very useful across many KLA's; it could be used to promote higher order thinking and for interesting and engaging collaborative learning activities.

This image could be used to support the productive pedagogies framework (Department of Education, 2002) by promoting connectedness to the world. By giving value and meaning to real world problems and encouraging learners to reflect on relevant personal experiences, the learning manager is able to promote higher order thinking. A problem based curriculum and a driving question, such as 'what might the people in this photo need to do to avoid injury/damage' would allow children to predict, construct knowledge and critically examine contrasting and conflicting ideas. This, in turn allows for deep knowledge and understanding.

Thought provoking images are useful tools to stimulate, transform, support and enhance student learning in an early childhood context. SOSE is an obvious KLA where images can be utilised, however, with some creativity a learning manager could incorporate Science and Technology (e.g weather patterns and investigation) The Arts (e.g. analyzing images for colour, shape, line, texture, intention, looking at the positioning of features etc) Health and P.E (health implications, physical characteristics) English (analyzing and writing narratives, personal recounts, searching for adjectives) Mathematics (looking at patterns, estimating) all that is needed is some imagination and knowledge of how to access interesting and thought provoking images!

evaluative comment on voki


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Power point

PowerPoint was covered this week and whilst I had used this tool in the past and have, on many occasions, been bored to death viewing PowerPoint's, I had no idea of the magnitude of its capabilities! I was unaware that it was possible to embed a sound or video file as I had only basically scanned the available functions in the past. I can see much value in using interactive PowerPoint as a means to scaffold and sequence learning across all KLA's and year levels. I envisage PowerPoint being used as a means of knowledge acquisition and integration and, with assistance for early childhood learners, as a tool for the presentation of new understandings. Click here to view the comments that I made on a peer's blog regarding the use of powerpoint.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Ethics and safety

Ethics and safety were heavily focused upon this week. It is vital that teachers and learners are aware 0f the potential dangers and liabilities surrounding internet use. Teachers must ensure that the strict policies concerning use of ICT's are adhered to at all times in order to avoid potentially devastating repercussions. Teachers must also ensure that their learners follow all relevant policies and procedures and understand terms and conditions of internet use. Privacy must remain ever-present in the teachers mind when using and/or asking students to use ICT's.
This week I also created a weebly website, click here to view it.

Static websites provide a permanent record of learning as they cannot be added to or altered by others as blogs and wiki's can. A website could be used as the basis of a unit by providing interlinked pages as well as links to various other sites. Whilst websites are unable to be edited by other's, there are options to allow feedback, contact and links pages. Maps and surveys can be embedded into websites and options, such as webquests, allow for problem based pedagogy. Websites can provide an engaging link to concerns beyond the classroom and allow connectedness to the world through knowledge integration.
This week I was introduced to Wiki's and created one of my own here to take a look.

Wiki's differ from blogs in that a blog is basically an on-line journal/diary which allows other people to view your postings, and a wiki is capable of having new, interlinked pages added to it. Wiki's are a perfect place for students to document their learning and allow students to construct meaning and connect learning whilst providing teachers with transparent, text based evidence of the learner's thinking. Learners are able to go back and reflect on their learning and further research topics of interest, thus refining and extending knowledge and engaging in Higher order thinking.
Preceding this post is a mindmap of the productive pedagogies framework. The productive pedagogies framework allows teachers to consider if all students in their learning environment are supported and engaged in relevant and intellectually challenging curriculum. It enables teachers to reflect critically on their work by considering how their teaching and assessment practices support or hinder their learners.

Particular learning activities which would fulfill these requirements could include incorporating problem based activities that require learners to sort and categorise items, design and create models and collaborate with peers whilst engaging in conversation focused around negotiating understanding.

Productive pedagogies mind map

Thursday, July 8, 2010

This morning I read with much interest, the article about digital immigrants and digital natives by Prensky (2001). This article really hit home for me, whilst I realised that I am most definitely a digital immigrant, I now better understand the process going on inside my brain. Being a mature aged student and having not experienced elearning in my school education, my brain stores this information in a different place and a different manner to that of a digital native! amazing!

blogs,, delicious, powerpoint, google maps

O.k. so now that I am starting to get the hang of this blogging business, I am going to attempt to discuss my thoughts on the tools that I have been exploring.

Firstly blogs- I can see enormous value in the use of blogs in an educational context, both for the learners and for the teachers. This tool can be used to record and share information and allows a teacher to see exactly where the learner is at, how they are progressing and their level of application and understanding. Teachers can also use this tool to share ideas and network and as a space to record information in a practical, user friendly way.

The concept/mind map tool could be a great resource in any year level and across all KLA's. It can be easily rearranged, restructured and added to as thoughts and ideas emerge and change.

The online book marker tool 'delicious' is like nothing I have ever experienced. I feel this tool would be invaluable for middle primary levels and higher, allowing them to easily record websites and relevant information at the click of a button. This tool would also be very useful for educators when planning and could potentially save many hours of frustrating searching.

Powerpoint was another area discussed this week, and whilst I have used this tool before, I had never experienced it being used interactively with the drag and drop function. Again, a very useful tool, however I feel that we must be careful not to replace important concrete materials with too many elearning tools, particularly where kinaesthetic learners are concerned.

Finally Google maps. I have used this tool before but have never seen the real life application. I feel that this tool would be both exciting and engaging for all learners as it enables them to view and monitor real situations. I see much value for this tool for SOSE lessons, but, with a bit of imagination, it could be used across all KLA's. the mindmap to stick, what a great resource...thanks so much for your help Karen :0)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Well, arrived and I survived!
For years I have been burying my head in the sand trying to pretend that cyber world did not exist. Now that I have extended myself a fraction, I find that there is really a lot of useful stuff out there and that I just need the skills, patience and confidence to access it.
I have had experience using an interactive whiteboard in the classroom but limited experience using other elearning tools. I look forward to learning more about this exciting and ever changing topic.