Thursday, July 22, 2010

Power point

PowerPoint was covered this week and whilst I had used this tool in the past and have, on many occasions, been bored to death viewing PowerPoint's, I had no idea of the magnitude of its capabilities! I was unaware that it was possible to embed a sound or video file as I had only basically scanned the available functions in the past. I can see much value in using interactive PowerPoint as a means to scaffold and sequence learning across all KLA's and year levels. I envisage PowerPoint being used as a means of knowledge acquisition and integration and, with assistance for early childhood learners, as a tool for the presentation of new understandings. Click here to view the comments that I made on a peer's blog regarding the use of powerpoint.


  1. Nina I agree, I cannot believe how much more can be done with power point than what I currently use it for. I can see so many opportunities to use interactive power point in early childhood, especially with concepts such as sight words and number recognition. It would create a more interactive, and engaging learning experience for students and would encourage students to want to learn these new concepts as the method of teacher is new and exciting for young children.

  2. I know! who would have thought...boring old power point!
    Children love being able to control their learning and this is a perfect tool for student direction and self regulation. This is one that I will definately be using in my classroom.
